Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

happy new year 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 everyone!!! :D have an outrageous one. new year, new hope, new spirit pals.
this is the second time i spent new year eve here, in Jogja. And it was lil bit different from last year. this night i spent all alone, from dinner, watched a movie then going around jogja (a half). it ended up with enjoying fireworks in a balcony with dorm friends. it was pretty fun tought, really :) enjoy your 2011, make it better than before. and dont forget to make a new resolution. bye *kissesandhugs

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

help, gettin insane here

a: mau gila boleh?
b: boleh kalo mau
a: terus tugas gimana?
b: derita lo nyeeet!!

*percakapan batin

oke ini emang bukan saatnya gua leha-leha bermain dengan twitter atau facebook atau looklet atau polyvore atau semacanya dan berakhir dengan mengeluh dan menyesal. tapi tugas-tugas yang ga selesai-selesai ini totally bikin gua pengen jungkir balik meeeennn!! dealing with take home yang ga gampang itu dengan hanya sedikiiiit kemajuan (seriously cuma sedikit brow anatara cuma coretan atau 2-3 kalimat) dan tekanan book report yang baru gua selesaikan dengan 3 simplify bikin gua engap-enagapan kaya ikan ga dikasih oksigen atau kaya ikan duyut kelamaan di darat. oke gua mau buat pengakuan dulu pertama gua males ga ketulungan semester ini. dan salahnya gua selalu kalah sama rasa males itu *siyeet. kedua gua selalu menunda-nunda pekerjaan gua terus menumpuk terus terbengkalai *ngoook. yang ketiga gua udah terlambat!! gua tau 2 masalah itu sepele tapi akibatnya ruarrr biasa. so i must finish those assignments with big big big effort. sekarang yang harus gua lakukan ga boleh ngeluh dan kerjakan itu semua. percuma lo mikirin itu semua sampe khayang-khayang kalo talk only no action. rawr semangattttt!!! usaha sabi kali ;)

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

end a blast year

haaaah helloo :D December end is about a week again and prepare to say hi to 2011. make a new resolution. times just like rushing. many things i had done this year, many things had happened this year, felt many things both sad and happy. had many experienced. btw i wished can enjoy end this last month with smile though, and so far it is goin well ;).
well, 2010 is my best part so far. just grateful for many things had happened to me. gua bersyukur tahun ini sehat selalu dan nafsu makan gua bertambah. bersyukur i have my beloved big family. bersyukur gua punya teman-teman yang selalu ada, they're such my family. you all mean so much to me dear friends. bersyukur wish gua buat punya motor terkabul, wish gua buat bisa belajar saman terkabul dan sudah tampil di beberapa tempat selain kampus. bersyukur dikasih teman-teman baru lagi. bersyukur kuliah saya so far yaaa berjalan lancar (amiinin ah biar afdol). bersyukur tahun ini bisa belajar untuk ikhlas ditinggal (curcol loooh ini haha). bersyukur bisa belajar dari masalah yang ada. dan terimakasih sekarang gua masih bisa bersyukur :D
yap those are my little part of "list syukur" of many "list syukur" from me. semoga tahun besok lebih baik dari tahun ini. bye enjoy your December buddies. love ya <3 (tons of kisses and hugs from my little room)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

for my dearest companion

i don't know should tell this thought to.. please hear since you're just my very sweet hearer.

let me start with brengsekkkk!!! you ruined my day, you ruined my first great week on Dec. i don't know what's on your mine. all i want to say i hate this situation. i ever though this before. this is really make me sick of it, seriously. i hate when people around me is being under pressure with their fucking stuff. i know you must ask to me "so whats the matter for you, it isn't your problem right?" yes it isn't my problem, those are YOUR PROBLEM, but it being a matter for me since you are affected others in being under pressure, in being stress, in being angry aaalllll the way just because a lil thing that should not be a big problem, in being guilty somehow. setan tau ga!!! you're just make yourself getting worse. i just want make my December goin good with laughs and smile, and don't break it out please, i beg your pardon to help me. just by watch to your feelin, and don't bother me with your bad feelin. you are already an under graduate student and get it all messed up is very pathetic. i don't mind to hear your thoughts, I'm very welcome to hear those thingy. but sorry i am not welcome your very sensitive feelin of what I'm doing, i just don't like it at all. AT ALL. thank you :) no offense i just want you to change, because i know this is not good for you and people around