Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

theres a human error

hi how's your holiday? me.. over all it was great holiday
i always feel my holiday isn't long enough although it was almost a month hihi
i used to back to study a week ago (feb 15), but when i came to my college and met my pals, they said we started at 22 :(( blah which means a week again
it was so arggghh, why they announced it after we were there
poor me, i though i can back to bogor again but i must learn tari saman and those meeting for my inauguration event hooh
not bad lah, i do not felt that additional holiday like a holiday because everyday i must went to my college for those thingy -__-
now is 22, and i must start my study :) try to keep my spirit for today..
i must there till 7pm or more, wish me luck
bye all