Rabu, 15 September 2010

life to learn, learn how to live

Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
-- Author Unknown

Thursday 14th sept, yesterday!! no, let's say about a week or couple weeks ago i just know someone who i think good for me. and we've had what people call with 'dating', but i wont call with that way, I'll call it 'first meeting'. then the things we talk go in a good way, chatting, texting, messaging and so on and so on. everything like goin pretty well and i must say that i act like a teenage fallin in. couple days ago he's like lost by a big wave in the deep sea and sink or die eated by shark. no things happen like before. till yesterday i knew that he just have a girlfriend. dang!! damn GOOD dude.
i wont blame him, i know life is all about choosing things. but he's like promising something more to me. if you ask what did i feel? disappointed? exhausted? regretting? embarrass? YES absolutely. but then i realize i have to choose. stuck and spent time hating that guy, or moving forward by making this a lesson to learn, smile and find another. so i prefer the second of course :)

thanks for spent your time hearing my thoughts, i just don't know who i can share this though freely. so i choose you, yes you my little diary that never give a comment. never tell anyone okay this is just mine and you. pinkypromise :) byeee

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