Kamis, 21 Januari 2010


hello people, how are you doing?
me? preety good :) yeapp as my final exam was over last week, and it means i have a long long holiday..
although i only spent my holiday in my lovely home but i really happy to spent my holiday with people i love most.
disamping senengnya gw karena liburannya lama, sekarang gw lagi deg2an *dagdigdug nungguin IP, kemaren udah keluar tapi baru setengahnya, i need you all to help me pray to make my IP score good enough haha. hope theres a miracle that make my grammar score good :) ahaha actually i think the test is too difficult to me. hoh i just put big big hope of it
i want to tell you yesterday i met my high school friends, and we went to our school together because we want to buy 'baso tante sekolah yang enakkk :)' ihihi pas lagi jalan ke sekolah kita jadi inget jaman sma dulu (serasa kuliahnya udah lama,padahal baru 6 bulan juga haha) dan berfikir pengen sma kaya dulu lagi (klo alesan gw si my high school better than my college).
then we went to movie and watched the spy next door, eventhough we're late half hour. but it's fun really fun, i miss them so bad.. we've got a lot of fun things to share..
how about my home? my home as usual i must help my mommy do her housework :( it is the most part i hate, tapi gapapa lah kan ga tiap hari juga kalo sekarang
disamping pekerjaan membosankan yang harus gw kerjain nyokap gw bikinin gw banyaak makanan dan bokap gw jadi rajin beli makanan karena ada gw haha alhasil gw MENGGENDUTTT.. udah bnyak yang bilang kalo gw gendutan dan bonyok gw udah bilang klo suru ngurusin kareana udah terlalu gendut :(( hooh it my big work and needs a lof passion
karena gw selalu gagal klo diet..
doain gw ya biar diet berhasil :)
okayy my battery low.. so time to say byee to you..
see you later people :))

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

wishlist for this year

actually i have a lot of wish for this year
but i know i'll get difficulties to reach my wish if i mention too much
so here are some wish that maybe i can make it true for this year
1. get a good score for my first semester, and hope it will be better
and better in next semester amiiin :) of course if i can handle myself to study
a lot and avoid too much hanging around with your friends
2. have a healthy life, jogging or cycling once a week with tuya2,
swimming every month (if it's possible), eat healthy food (more vegetables
and fruits - less noddle and another junk food)
3. rajin sholat :) big hope actually
4. lost my weight min 6 pounds or better if i can lost my weight until 10
5. fluent in English (speaking, grammar, and all aspect hopefully)
6. get an France course maybe a couple or three months later
7. try to ride motorcycle (AGAIN) for your info i usually scared to ride
motorcycle in crowded place, any suggestion?
8. TOEFL min 500, come on take more exercises okayy
9. more mature, stop act like kiddos because I'm already a college student..
try to think positive in every problems.
10. join at least 2 big event this year, to get more experience and friends
11. belajar tarii saman, eww its been so long i can learn saman dance
12. can keep my money at least 25000/week, remember do not buy any
unimportant things
13. a good boy for me :O
ya it's only 13 but it's difficult for me to make it all come true, but i believe i can :) (mencoba mensupport diri hha bantuin support dongs) wish all this wishes can come true god aminn hhi, doain ya -smooch-

Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

new year eve

hiii guys :)
happy new year :) 2010 to you all
may we'll be better this year
have blessed new year

how's your new year eve? hope great.. me?
yaa nice enough as i celebrate this new year eve in only in my boarding house
but over all asiiikk seru
eventhough kita (gw sama anak2 kos) cuma maen kembang api ecek2 tapi abis gitu kita langsung naik ke atap kosan buat liat pesta kembang api dimana2..
kereen (nora mode:on) hha, kan jadi serasa maen kembang api yang keren gitu
ternyata seru ko taun baruan sama tuya2, abis gitu kita make a wish hhi
sekarang kayannya gw mau bikin list wishes gw buat 2010
and i'll write in next post ok
nb: sorry for my worse of using grammar