Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

wishlist for this year

actually i have a lot of wish for this year
but i know i'll get difficulties to reach my wish if i mention too much
so here are some wish that maybe i can make it true for this year
1. get a good score for my first semester, and hope it will be better
and better in next semester amiiin :) of course if i can handle myself to study
a lot and avoid too much hanging around with your friends
2. have a healthy life, jogging or cycling once a week with tuya2,
swimming every month (if it's possible), eat healthy food (more vegetables
and fruits - less noddle and another junk food)
3. rajin sholat :) big hope actually
4. lost my weight min 6 pounds or better if i can lost my weight until 10
5. fluent in English (speaking, grammar, and all aspect hopefully)
6. get an France course maybe a couple or three months later
7. try to ride motorcycle (AGAIN) for your info i usually scared to ride
motorcycle in crowded place, any suggestion?
8. TOEFL min 500, come on take more exercises okayy
9. more mature, stop act like kiddos because I'm already a college student..
try to think positive in every problems.
10. join at least 2 big event this year, to get more experience and friends
11. belajar tarii saman, eww its been so long i can learn saman dance
12. can keep my money at least 25000/week, remember do not buy any
unimportant things
13. a good boy for me :O
ya it's only 13 but it's difficult for me to make it all come true, but i believe i can :) (mencoba mensupport diri hha bantuin support dongs) wish all this wishes can come true god aminn hhi, doain ya -smooch-

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