Senin, 02 Mei 2011

yin and yang

baik dan buruk, adalah dua kata yang selalu gua temukan dimanapun. sifatnya seperti saling mengiringi, hal itu yang gua tau ga bakal berubah dari dulu sampe sekarang dan seterusnya. contoh nyatanya banyak banget, entah berhubungan dengan sifat atau perilaku orang, keadaan sekitar, even masalah kita sendiri. kadang kalo dipikirin bener-bener these two simply things make me outta my mind. as usual, people around are gettin nuts, yes they are not me! am just being contaminated haha (whats the different??) 'everybody criticizes anybody' things are happening these day, while they exactly know people have the right to do and have their own way of living. since they understand there must be good and bad aspect of something, why should they make it difficult? oke oke i don't want blame anyone, gua ngaku kadang guapun begitu, but this is too much guys. i just dont get it hehe. have you ever been in this position, too much negativity filled up your day. what will you do if you were in my shoes? mmm *wink oooh well this just my wishywashy thought, don't get it wrong no offense looh, keep life beautiful as always! bye dear love :) XOXO

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